I’m sure we all have egg cartons ‘scattered’ in our house from time to time. Let’s see what we can do with those cartons.
I think we can do a cute penguin out of it…

Decorate the penguin with googly eyes, orange craft foam as the beak, yellow craft foam as the feet and tie a ribbon around it’s neck as a scarf. Give it an ear muff for maximum coolness effect! You may want to glue a magnet at the back of it and it can be a cute fridge magnet!
thanks for your comment. Am i really worrying too much??? I dont know, i lost the balance long time ago..
btw. cute penguin..
cute little one.. and Ethan really enjoy doing craft ya 🙂
i like, i like , i like your blog!! easy crafts that I can get my niece to do with me!
It’s okay Ayie, no need the hassle. I’ll go and visit you and THEN I’ll bring back those cartons. lol ;p
oh, such a good idea. i m now searching some simple art for Nelson to do
that’s a new craft for me, now i know what to do with those caryons in time. And i won’t have much problems with painting too coz i get to buy eggs with white styro box too
should i just courier some to you? ahahaha
That’s a better way to do it merryn! =P
Nice subject area that you have chosen.
Hi Ed, hope to see you around again 🙂
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