Handprint Santa

We did a very interesting art piece today 🙂

Handprint Santa Claus

First paint your palm white

Stamp the painted palm onto a darker coloured paper

Paint your thumb red

Stamp the painted thumb as Santa’s nose

Paint your thumb pink

And stamp as the Santa’s cheeks 😀

Paint your thumb white and stamp as the eyes

Cut the Santa’s hat out of red felt. We use red foam as I happened to run out of felt! Improvise! 😀

Paste on some cotton too

Paste a cotton ball at the end of the hat

Paint your pointer black and stamp as Santa’s eyeball and you are done 😀

Handprint Santa – featuring cute kiddos Cavan of Life Muses and Ethel of Ling in De House


  1. wah! look at Cavan’s hand, really all white oozing out lol

    • Merryn


      YES! He likes it that way! 😀

    • Merryn


      The kids love this, anticipating what comes next and seeing how the Santa is finally forming… Try it 😀

    • Merryn


      Cool.. will check it out 😀

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