Kimmy of “Kimmy and Julie :: Family Journal” had requested a craft on Christmas. He specifically wanted a Ginger Bread Man. So here it is, a Crafty Crafted version of the Ginger Bread Man.
Craft for children and anything nice
Kimmy of “Kimmy and Julie :: Family Journal” had requested a craft on Christmas. He specifically wanted a Ginger Bread Man. So here it is, a Crafty Crafted version of the Ginger Bread Man.
so simple and cute! Ethan can be your assistant in no time..
Oh yes Claire, he can be. These crafts are all for him. 🙂
Wow… That is easy to do! Thanks Merryn.. 😀
It cost about RM5.00 for one piece of that to decorate my christmas tree.. Hehe.. 😀
More to come Kimmy. I have Christmas trees, reindeers, candy canes and many more Christmas crafts to be revealed.. 😛
using corkboard is a good idea, the texture and color is a, lot livelier and no need to paint or bake =)
merryn i already found some materials i can use for the corset purse i want to make yesterday in craft store…I’m just figuring out with some sketches how i can do it nicely without the use of sewing machine =P coz I don’t have here yet
Eeeee… so cute! I bet Chloe would love this. She loves the Gingerbreadman Story. I actually made her an edible one, which was quite cacat-looking…
Oh Ayie,
I can’t wait! You MUST, I repeat, MUST share with us once it is done.. 😛 I’m getting excited now too. 🙂
I’m still brainstorming merryn, easy! lol and craft store isn’t too near my place too =P
Wow, that is really great….love it!
Just wanted to stop by and agree