Craft submitted by ChloeMummy of http://chloeruoyi.blogspot.com/
ChloeMummy said,
Hi Merryn, here’s the Octopus Lollipop that I made, inspired by your Spooky Halloween Lollipop. The first few steps are the same as yours. The additional steps are: Cut the tissue paper into 8 strips and twirl them up. Lastly, with a marker pen or highlighter, add some polka dots to the tentacles.
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Thank you ChloeMummy for this lovely octopus. I will definitely do this with Ethan. 🙂
Jonathan will surely more interested in the lollipop rather than the craft!
wah, the crafty bug bit chloemommy too! haha! well done!
this is a cutie lolli…i bet ethan isn’t spooked by this one anymore =)