Animated Characters Fridge Magnet/Note Holder

Want to have your favourite animated characters as your fridge magnet? It does not have to cost alot. Try this simple to do fridge magnets…

Character Fridge Magnet / Note Holder
Character Fridge Magnet / Note Holder
Take any of your favourite animated characters stickers.
Take any of your favourite animated characters stickers.
Paste it onto any hardboard paper. I used name cards from the mail box. It's better to recycle them than to throw them away just like that.
Paste it onto any hardboard paper. I used name cards from the mail box. It's better to recycle them than to throw them away just like that.
Cut it and glue a cute peg at the back.
Cut it and glue a cute peg at the back.
Glue a magnet on the peg and let dry.
Glue a magnet on the peg and let dry.
Your fridge magnet is ready. Simple and inexpensive :)
Your fridge magnet is ready. Simple and inexpensive 🙂


  1. seeing these.. reminds me of something..but dont want to tell u.. keep u in suspense… hahaa…

    • Merryn

      ??? Reminds you of what? Oh dear.. you made me bite my fingernails anticipating the answer! 😛

  2. very smart mummy merryn! these magnets usually cost more than how much it should so doing this can save you money and can give you more options with the designs you like.

    • Merryn


      The best is, we get to choose what our kids like best 🙂

  3. Interesting! and I never thought of recycling the name cards. I normally just throw them away.

    • Merryn


      Only if your stickers are small enough to fit on the name card. If it is too big, you have to use a hard board 🙂

    • Merryn

      Mummy moon,

      You can easily make them for Yan Yan too. She loves Elmo too rite? 😀

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