Craft Demonstration – ParenThots Family Day

Our craft demonstration during the ParenThots Family Day is finally over. Here are some pictures of the event. Enjoy 🙂

The booth before the 'crafty' touch :)
The booth before the 'crafty' touch 🙂
Crafters at work.
Crafters at work.
Ethan's artwork for display.
Ethan's artwork for display.
Our booth with the bunting, banner and artwork :)
Our booth with the bunting, banner and artwork 🙂
Foam Christmas Tree and Ladybugs are the chosen crafts to be given away to visitors.
Foam Christmas Tree and Ladybugs are the chosen crafts to be given away to visitors.
The art and craft work on display.
The art and craft work on display.
Kids trying their hands on origami as I guide them along..
Kids trying their hands on origami as I guide them along..
The scorpion boy! :P
The scorpion boy! 😛
The origamis kids can come out with.. Simply amazing!
The origamis kids can come out with.. Simply amazing!
Kids having fun...
Kids having fun...
Visitors filling up the blog subscription form.
Visitors filling up the blog subscription form.
Finally, the people who made it possible that day. A million thankx go out to Kimmy and family, my parents and also my Darling husband for helping me out. I can't possibly make it without you guys. :D
Finally, the people who made it possible that day. A million thankx go out to Kimmy and family, my parents and also my Darling husband for helping me out. I can't possibly make it without you guys. 😀


  1. what a waste I didn’t go!! 🙁 So much fun there… sob sob..

  2. A wonderful experience for all of you then! any more pictures to be posted?

  3. oh the big day!!! congrats for the successful demo!

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